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ExpiNotes - Notes with deadline

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ExpiNotes is an app that can be used on smartphones or tablets (Android or iOS), useful for creating notes with automatic expiration. The main screen presents the list of active notes (not yet expired) and the possibility of accessing the procedure for creating a new note. It is possible to change the expiry date of the note at any time by using the calendar to change the date, or on the clock to change the time. The clock button allows you to quickly postpone the deadline by an hour, a day, a week, a month or a year. If the expiration date is changed to a value prior to the moment the operation is performed, the note is moved to the "Expired" note container. From the list of expired notes, you can change the expiration date to bring the notes back to the active list. Deleted notes can be restored from the trash can, or from the note detail.
Main features

Creating a new note with attachments

Each ExpiNotes note is mainly composed of a general note, but can also contain different types of attachments.
How to create a new note with attachments
1) Main text of the note 2) Attached note 3) Attached freehand note 4) Attached list of activities to do 5) Choice of file type to attach (photo, video, audio, pdf) 6) Take a photo 7) Create a video 8) Create an audio

Take freehand notes

Write freehand, simply by moving your pressed finger on the screen. ExpiNotes freehand notes are like slips of paper, the size of which depends on the characteristics of the device. It is possible to export the result as an image.
How to create a freehand note
1) Drawing area 2) Choice of pencil colour 3) Choice of stroke size 4) Choice of background color 5) Eraser

Creation of to-do lists

To-do lists can be useful on many occasions in the personal, family and work contexts. This tool is useful for managing short to-do lists, where you need to remember completed tasks, how much time was spent on each task and the total time on all tasks on the list.
Creation and management of to-do lists
1) Brief description of the list 2) Description of activities to add to the list 3) Change order of item in list (hold and drag up or down) 4) Selected: activity completed - Not Selected: activity to do 5) Total time spent on all activities on the list 6) Total time spent per single activity 7) Edit activity description 8) Options: - Duplicate the activity - Open tool to track hours, minutes and short notes - Open list of times and tracked notes - Delete the activity and all tracked times

Track time spent and short notes for each task

Track time performed in hours and minutes
1) Set when (the day) the task was executed 2) Set hours and minutes spent 3) Set short notes

List of times spent per activity

Times used in the single activity
1) Total time spent on the activity 2) List of tracked times: - creation date time taken - when time was spent on the task - hours and minutes spent 3) Edit the task day, time spent and notes 4) Eliminate time spent 5) Track new time spent and short notes

Add sub-note to note

Management of sub-notes of a note
1) Create new "Note" attachment 2) Close attachment (save the note if it is modified) 3) Save color and attached text 4) Share text 5) Text of the note 6) Background color 7) Text formatting tools 8) Open sub-note from grid or timeline

Store and view PDF files

Management of attached PDF files
1) Open "Attach from photo library" menu 2) Choose "PDF" attachment type (only files with .pdf extension will be displayed) 3) Open the pdf file for reading 4) Close attachment window 5) Share files 6) Scroll the pages of the pdf file to the right or left 7) Short description visible in the attachment list 8) Save attached short description

Record and listen to audio

Record and listen to audio
1) Activate registration 2) Stop recording 3) Open recorded audio 4) Listen to recorded audio Note: Audio recording is set to 1 minute by default. In the main menu there is the settings section, where you can increase the limit to 600 seconds.

Share attachments

Share attachments
1) From the detail open the menu at the top right 2) Choose "Share" 3) Check the "Share text" option, or select the attachments to share 4) Open device sharing window 5) Choose the platform to send to

Detail indeed

Detail of a note
1) Go back to the notes list 2) First characters of the main text of the note 3) Save changes (text and text box size) 4) Detail menu (Delete, share text and attachments, sort attachments) 5) Category menu 6) Note color (text box and box in note list) 7) Main text formatting tools toolbar 8) Change text box size 9) Note text box 10) Change text box size manually 11) Actions menu (new attachment of type "Note", "Freehand note", or "Task to do") 12) Take a photo 13) Record an audio 14) Record a video 15) Attach from photo library (photo, video, audio, PDF file) 16) View attachment timeline (sorted from most recent) 17) Delete attachment 18) Last modification date of attachment 19) Duplicate attachment "Activities to do" 20) Brief description attached 21) Graph of activities done and to be done 22) Number of activities done and to be done 23) View attachments in grid format 24) Space occupied by the attachment 25) Attachment creation date

Install ExpiNotes on your smartphone or tablet

ExpiNotes on Google Play Store
ExpiNotes on Apple App Store

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